Delet Portal

Delet Portal has been created in order to present the most precious collections owned by the Association of the Jewish Historical Institute (AJHI) and the Jewish Historical Institute (JHI) in an innovative way. These collections include the Oneg Shabbat collection, which is listed on the Memory of the World Register by UNESCO. This unique collection of documents that survived the Holocaust was created as a result of heroic endeavors of a group of people gathering reports, documents and conducting their own research in the ghetto. They eventually hid the collection in a house at Nowolipki 68 St. The Oneg Shabbat collection, i.e. the underground archives of the Warsaw ghetto, is a priceless document reporting the events of the Holocaust and the Second World War. Delet portal makes it possible to use these materials for research and educational purposes.

Thanks to specially designed tools, the users are able to work on illegible and decrepit document fragments, which is particularly useful when working with manuscripts. Digitalized high-resolution documents are easy to work with, as the researcher can change color saturation, contrast and other image properties. This can preserve the priceless legacy that is so fragile that it is not made available to the readers. Digital copies of the highest quality are designed to be presented on the Web and allow every user to check even the tiniest details without the risk of damaging the documents.

The tools of Delet portal can also be used during virtual lessons, which make it much easier and more effective to share the knowledge about Oneg Shabbat group led by Emanuel Ringelblum. The users can create valuable and interesting educational materials with the ability to add annotations, enlarge and highlight the crucial parts of the documents. The authors of the portal would like to reach the students of schools and universities, as well as all others interested in the lives of Jews and their culture.

The portal's resources offer other collections apart from Oneg Shabbat.

We would like to continue the mission of preserving and spreading the artistic legacy of Polish Jews, which started with Józef Sandel and later was continued by his wife, Ernestyna Podhorizer-Sandel. That is why AJHI and JHI Delet portal shares digital copies of works of art. These works constitute an important part of the Jewish legacy. Delet collections include not only paintings, drawings and sketches, but also wood engravings, copies and spatial forms. Creating your own collections and creating lessons based on them presents an opportunity to gain knowledge of Jewish art and to share your findings with other users of the portal.

The collections presented on Delet portal, Oneg Shabbat and works of art, provide the users with an exceptional chance to become digital educators, researchers and guides within their own "digital exhibitions". Researchers will gain the ability to work on document copies from collections that are gradually being described with meta data by the Archive and Library Resources Edition Department of JHI. The authors of the portal are confident that the shared materials shall become a source of inspiration and knowledge for history enthusiasts and a great help for scientists.



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