A pit serving as a mass grave partially visible on the right. On the left there is the grave of Dorota Lande (section no. 9, row 1, no. 59). Visible in the background are houses at Okopowa Street.
Title: Jewish Cemetery. Alley by a Mass Grave
Creator: Jost, Heinrich
Identifier: DZIH F 4593
Material: photographic paper
Technique: photography
Height [mm]: 203
Width [mm]: 208
Date: 1941
Localization: Warsaw, Okopowa Street, Warsaw ghetto
Description: A pit serving as a mass grave partially visible on the right. On the left there is the grave of Dorota Lande (section no. 9, row 1, no. 59). Visible in the background are houses at Okopowa Street.
Keywords: cemetery
Remarks: Note by H. Jost. Translation of the text on the reverse: “Right next to the enormous mass grave there were old, well-preserved Jewish tombstones, many of them opulent family graves.”, The inscription on the grave reads: “To the shadow of our beloved daughter, blessed be her memory, Dorota Lande, whose light went out on 10 May 1907 at the age of sixteen. May she forever rest in peace.”