Marketplace at Gęsia Street, between Lubeckiego Street and Smocza Street. Jews gathered around the soup station, waiting in line or eating. At the centre of the photo there is a woman with an armband with a Star of David (blue star on a white background) eating soup.
Title: Warsaw Ghetto. Woman Eating Soup in the Marketplace at Gęsia Street
Description: Marketplace at Gęsia Street, between Lubeckiego Street and Smocza Street. Jews gathered around the soup station, waiting in line or eating. At the centre of the photo there is a woman with an armband with a Star of David (blue star on a white background) eating soup.
Keywords: trade, woman
Remarks: Note by H. Jost. Translation of the text on the reverse: “Food was distributed through the door to Jews waiting in a long queue. The woman in the foreground was waiting in line and reaching for her plate. The woman behind her was eating watery soup from a tin plate.”