Activity at the marketplace in Gęsia Street, between Lubeckiego Street and Smocza Street. Both customers and merchants are wearing armbands with a Star of David (blue star on a white background). The people without the armbands are most likely Poles. In the foreground there is a Jewish merchant displaying his products.
Title: Warsaw Ghetto. Trade in the Marketplace at Gęsia Street
Creator: Jost, Heinrich
Identifier: DZIH F 4642
Height [mm]: 205
Width [mm]: 202
Date: 19 September 1941
Localization: Warsaw, Gęsia Street, Smocza Street, Lubeckiego Street, Warsaw ghetto
Description: Activity at the marketplace in Gęsia Street, between Lubeckiego Street and Smocza Street. Both customers and merchants are wearing armbands with a Star of David (blue star on a white background). The people without the armbands are most likely Poles. In the foreground there is a Jewish merchant displaying his products.
Keywords: armband/badge, trade
Remarks: Note by H. Jost. Translation of the text on the reverse: “Nothing this man was selling was of any use. Old pans, heavy, chipped bowls, an old pot. But he was trying to make some money to survive.”